

How to Handle a Bridezilla, Austin Style

Sometimes even the sweetest, most wonderful girl in the world will turn into a bridezilla. Some brides watch over their weddings the way mama animals watch over their young -- do anything to threaten the integrity of her big day and you’ll be sorry! If, by surprise, you find yourself the victim of a bridezilla. Here are some ways to deal with the scary monster:

If you really can’t help, say so! If the bride becomes overly demanding of your time or resources, you have to let her know. She may be disappointed, but there comes a point where you just can’t give up the things that are important to you all in the name of her wedding. If, for example, you’re working overtime on a work project and she’s texting you twenty times a day, gently suggest a day and time when you can review all her ideas at once.

Put yourself in her shoes. Although we totally get it -- the woman is being a nightmare! -- it’s usually helpful to take a few minutes to gain a little compassion for the bride. According to a Psychology Today article, contemporary brides and grooms have the pressure of creating a union that’s a reflection of both individuals -- pressures from family, friends, and society in general about getting it right. The anxiety that comes with having to make this big step can lead some brides to act in ways they wouldn’t otherwise.

Realize that the bridezilla will morph back into your lovely friend after the wedding
. Yes, one day the wedding will be over, and you no longer need to abide by the crazy wedding hierarchy. At this point, it’s most likely fine to tell your friend if she’s being a diva.

Go completely over the top -- for just one day. Shower her with compliments, hire a limousine to take you to lunch (make sure there’s champagne on board), hit up the spa, bring her a present, let her know how much you love her. And make it clear that you’re doing it all because you really wish you could spend more time working on her wedding, but that you just can’t, so you’re getting the celebrating out with this one very special day.

Do nice things for yourself.
Sometimes bridesmaids get so sucked into doing things for the bridezilla that they forget to take care of themselves. Excuse yourself every once in awhile and do something YOU want to do. Take a Sunday to do nothing but read magazines and catch up on Gossip Girl. Go on a yoga retreat. Take a long weekend with your man and let all parties know you won’t have your phone on. And don’t feel guilty about it for a single second.

Further reading:

For bridesmaids: Top 5 Tips on Dealing with a Bridezilla

For Brides: How Not to Be a Bitchy Bride

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